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[See rule 3(b)] [Section 9, read with sections 10(d) and 11(1), of the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 1976]

1. Name in full (in block letters)

2. Date of birth

3. Name of father/husband

4. Present address

5. Permanent address

6. Passport particulars (if already in possession).

7. Status:

(a) Member of Legislature (a)

(b) Office-bearer of a political party (b)

(c) Judge of Supreme Court/High Court (c)

(d) Government Servant (d)

(e) Employee of a Company/Corporation (e)

(f) Any person or class of persons not specified in section 9 (f)

8. Names of countries/places to be visited with duration of stay

9. The countries and places where foreign hospitality is to be accepted

10. Duration and purpose of visit to the country(ies)/place(s) mentioned in Column 9 with specific dates

11. Particulars of host(s):—

(a) If an individual, his personal particulars including name, (a) present address, permanent address, nationality, profession

(b) If an organisation/Institution/Association/Trust/Foundation/ (b)

Trade Union, etc., full particulars thereof including:—

(i) Full name and complete address (i)

(ii) Address of Head Office/ Principal Office (ii)

(iii) Aims and objects (iii)

(iv) Particulars of important office-bearers (iv)

12. *Full particulars as in serials II(a) and (b) of the foreign source in case the actual source extending the hospitality is located in a country other than actually proposed to be visited.

13. Nature and duration of #foreign hospitality proposed to be accepted with specific dates and with specific details

14. Nature of connection/dealings with the host and/or foreign source extending the hospitality

15. Approximate expenditure to be incurred on hospitality

16. Any other information of significance which the applicant may like to furnish.


I hereby declare that the above particulars furnished by me are true and correct.

Place:......... .........

Date ....

Signature of the applicant

* Delete if not applicable:

# "Foreign Hospitality” means any offer, not being a purely casual one, made by a foreign source for providing a person with the cost of travel to any foreign country or territory or with free board, lodging, transport or medical treatment.

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